
Inferring failure risk of on-site wastewater systems from physical and social factors, December 2024, Juan Nathaniel, Sara Schwetschenau & Upmanu Lall 

Water and wastewater infrastructure inequity in unincorporated communities, December 2024, Maura C. Allaire, Bianca Brusco, Amal Bakchan, Mark A. Elliott, Mallory A. Jordan, Jillian Maxcy-Brown, and Kevin D. White

Sustainable Development in Rural Underserved Communities through Improved Responsible Management of Decentralized Wastewater Infrastructure: A Focus on the Alabama Black Belt, October 2024, Amal Bakchan and Kevin D. White

The Past, Present, and Future of Wastewater Management in Alabama’s Black Belt, July 2024, Jillian Maxcy-Brown, Tristan Wilson, Rachel Chai, Harry McCaskill IV, Amal Bakchan, Lacey Christian, Mark O. Barnett, Mark A. Elliott, and Kevin D. White

Evaluating Statewide Wastewater Affordability for Users of Sewer Systems and Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems Based on Household Incomes at the Census Tract Level, July 2024, Jillian Maxcy-Brown, Mark A. Elliott, Mark O. Barnett, Katie Krummen, and Lacey Christian

Addressing Wastewater Infrastructure Challenges in the Rural Alabama Black Belt, Spring 2024, Jillian Maxcy-Brown, Kevin D. White, Lacey Christian, Amal Bakchan, Rachel Chai, Mark A. Elliott, Mark O. Barnett, and Emily McGlohn

Identifying Socio-Technical Challenges to Decentralized Wastewater Infrastructure Management in the Rural Alabama Black Belt, March 2024, Amal Bakchan and Kevin D. White

Risk Factors for Enteric Pathogen Exposure among Children in Black Belt Region of Alabama, USA, December 2023, Drew Capone, Toheedat Bakare, Troy Barker, Amy Hutson Chatham, Ryan Clark, Lauren Copperthwaite, Abeoseh Flemister, Riley Geason, Emery Hoos, Elizabeth Kim, Alka Manoj, Sam Pomper, Christina Samodal, Simrill Smith, Claudette Poole, and Joe Brown

Sustainable wastewater management for underserved communities using federal infrastructure funds: Barriers, bottlenecks, and tradeoffs, December 2023, Mark A. Elliott, Amal Bakchan, Jillian Maxcy-Brown, Victor A. D’Amato, Dennis Hallahan, Kevin D. White, Cara Stallman, and Sherry Bradley

Cross-Sectional Study of Soil-Transmitted Helminthiases in Black Belt Region of Alabama, USA, December 2023, Claudette Poole, Troy Barker, Richard Bradbury, Drew Capone, Amy Hutson Chatham, Sukwan Handali, Eduardo Rodriguez, Yvonne Qvarnstrom, and Joe Brown

Characterizing the nature and extent of access to unsafely managed sanitation in the United States, November 2023, Jillian Maxcy-Brown, Drew Capone, and Mark A. Elliott

Investigating the Relationship between Surface Water Pollution and Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems, October 2023, Mallory A. Jordan, Ann S. Ojeda, Eleanore A. Larson, and Stephanie R. Rogers

Scale of Responsible Management of Decentralized Clustered Wastewater Systems in Rural Alabama’s Black Belt: A Mixed-method Analysis, October 2023, Amal Bakchan, Rachel Chai, Harry McKaskill, and Kevin White

Household level wastewater management and disposal data collection in the U.S.: the history, shortcomings, and future policy implications, September 2023, Jillian Maxcy-Brown and Mark A. Elliott

The effects of racism, social exclusion, and discrimination on achieving universal safe water and sanitation in high-income countries, April 2023, Joe Brown, Charisma S. Acey, Carmen Anthonj, Dani J. Barrington, Cara D. Beal, Drew Capone, Oliver Cumming, Kristi Pullen Fedinick, Jacqueline MacDonald Gibson, Brittany Hicks, Michal Kozubik, Nikoleta Lakatosova, Karl G. Linden, Nancy G. Love, Kaitlin J. Mattos, Heather M. Murphy, and Inga T. Winkler

Optimizing Scale for Decentralized Wastewater Treatment: A Tool to Address Failing Wastewater Infrastructure in the United States, December 2022, Sara E. Schwetschenau, Yunus Kovankaya, Mark A. Elliott, Maura Allaire, Kevin D. White, and Upmanu Lall

Socio-technical Barriers to Successful Responsible Management Entities of Decentralized Clustered Wastewater Systems in the Rural Alabama’s Black Belt, October 2022, Amal Bakchan and Kevin White

Making waves: Right in our backyard- surface discharge of untreated wastewater from homes in the United States, December 2020, Jillian Maxcy-Brown, Mark A. Elliott, Leigh Anne Krometis, Joe Brown, Kevin D. White, and Upmanu Lall

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